Da Yoopers Catalog

Da Yoopers Music and DVD's

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1. Da Yoopers Songs For Fart Lovers CD

2. Da Yoopers For Diehards Only & Diehards II CD's

3. Da Yoopers One Can Short Of A Six Pack CD

4. Bananas At Large Turdy Point Buck Cd's I, II & III

Da Yoopers New CD!

We ain't getting any younger, in fact we songwriters here in Da Yoopers have already gone through most all the trials and tribulations of getting' old...
so we thought, why not do what we do best, write a group of light-hearted songs that describes the funny side of what we're going through!
One thing we've learned for sure you bet,

Item # web82007

Da Yoopers

Songs for
1. No One Here To Fart On 
2. Da Chubby Club
3. She Loves To Fart
4. Grandpa Farted & Da Dog -Died
5. You’re My Favorite Turd
6. Pucker And Smell
7. Squishy Underwear
8. Carl Needs A New Rod -(SKETCH)
9. If She Farts On Da First -Date
10. I’m A Lonely Toilet
11. I’m A Turd
12. Da Life Of A Fart -(SKETCH)
13. A Fart Can Be A Friend
14. If I Could Fart Like My Dad
15. I Never Hear My Mom Fart
16. Duel At Del Santo’s  -(SKETCH)
17. Diarrhea
18. Someone Ripped One On -Da Dance Floor
19. Santa’s Helper -(SKETCH)

Da Yoopers make musical history!
   No one in the history of music has ever written a complete album of  “all original” songs about farting…songs that speak of the true essence of farts and asks these age old questions: Where do farts come from? Why don’t you ever hear your Mother fart? If you fart in church will you go to hell? How would it feel to be a toilet? Is there life after defecation for a turd?
To answer these questions, and because of their unrelenting love of farts, Hoolie and Bella from Da Yoopers were inspired to write their 10th album, 
“Songs for Fart Lovers,”
and Da Yoopers assure you that this one is “a deep meaningful masterpiece of  musical history.”
Songs For Fart Lovers
Item # web82003
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 1. Second Week Of Deer          Camp
 2. Second Week Part II
 3. Beer Run
 4. Deer Hunter's Widow
 5. Garage Sale
 6. My Car Won't Go
 7. Rusty Chevrolet
 8. Bingo Fever
 9. Fishing Wit Fred
10. Fish Fight Song
11. Cow Pie Song

12. Three Months Late
13.Talk Time
14. Da Couch Dat Burps
15. Ruthie Rollover
16. Two Chiquitos
17. Chiquito War
18. Smelting U.S.A
19. A dog Named Zippo
20. Diarrhea
21. Beer Gut
22. Nightmare In My                 Bathroom

Da Yoopers
For Diehards Only

   For Diehards Only features all the best from our first five releases: Second Week Of Deer Camp, Rusty Chevrolet, Bingo Fever, Fishing Wit Fred, Diarrhea, Beer Gut, etc.
Item #web71169
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 1. Dear Mr. Governor
 2. Beer-Beer-Beer
 3. Iso Sika
 4. Yooper Talk
 5. Crawlin’ Home Puker
 6. Lonely Yooper
 7. Yoop It Up
 8. *Talk Time (Skit)
 9. *Rev. Send Me Money         (Skit)
10. Sauna Song
11. Butcher Town
12. Deer Hunting Son of a           Gun
13. I-500
14. The Transplant Song
15. Free Beer
16. Heikki Lunta
17. Pizza In My Shorts
18. Who Goosed Da Moose
19. Happy Birthday Fungus         Face
20. Nudsie’s Wedding                 Reception
21. Two Bagger
Da Yoopers
Diehards II CD
   Diehards II features all the rest of the great songs from our first five releases: Yoopanese, Culture Shock, Camp Fever, Yoop It Up and Yoopy Do Wah.
Item # web82004
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One Can Short Of A 6 Pack CD
Da Beginning, Mighty Manly Hunting Men, Da Fishing Trip, Talk Time, Condom City, Da Anniversary Song, Doctor Baduchi, Pick of Da Litter, Yoop News, Ring Dang Do, Burt & Ernie, Don't Go Up Dere, Meathead, 40 lb. Crappie, Wanna Buy an Organ, Night Before Christmas, CHristmas Time at My House, Uncle Bruno's True X-Mas Story, One Day After Christmas, Grandpa Got Run Over By A beer Truck, Sign Off, Packer Backer Anthem
Item #web81170
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Turdy Point Buck
The popular hit by 
Wisconsin's own group 
"Bananas at Large."

Turdy Point Buck II
Da Second Album
Wisconsin's own group 
"Bananas at Large."

Turdy Point Buck III
Da Turd Album
Wisconsin's own group 

"Bananas at Large."

Item #web1131
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Item #web203
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Item #web16944
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