We got it tough up here during winter;
"How High are our Snow Banks" shows just how tough.
Of course there are those crazy buggers that love our winters, skiing, snowmobiling, snow shoeing, snow boarding, cutting a hole in the ice then jumping in butt-naked (see "Conrad's Super Bowl Party," left), racing outhouses (see "Trenary Outhouse Races," left), but, most of us are breaking our backs dealing with da snow; the wear & tear on our vehicles because of da salt, getting vehicles out of da banks, keeping our roofs cleared so they don't cave in and paying an arm and a leg to keep ourselves warm. That's why many Yoopers head south during winter: "Reasons Some Yoopers Head South." 
  For those of you viewing that have mild winters, up here is like another planet during January, February and March. Enjoy!